General Info

The 18th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness (APCG)

APCG2024 Program Guide (Final Version) (updated August 16)

APCG2024_Program Guide

APCG2024 FAQ (updated July 30)

Q1: Did we need to register for the Opening ceremony and Welcome reception? If we haven’t. and would like to attend, is this a problem?
The Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception are open to all registered attendees of the APCG2024 conference. Please join us.
Please note that pre-registration is required for the banquet and excursions with an extra charge. No on-site registration will be accepted.

Q2: Will pen/paper be provided, or should we bring some ourselves? Is there anything else we should bring to the conference?
A notepad and pen are included in the conference kit.

Q3: When will the program be announced?
We will release the programme by 31 July.
We apologize for the delay in the release of this information. Some presenters’ names and titles in the abstract differ from those registered in the system, and we are taking the time to confirm this information.

Q4: When presenting an oral presentation, is there any AV equipment available?
Each session room has a screen and projector. Further details will be announced by 5 August.
All presenters are requested to bring their own PC.
Only HDMI is available in each session room, so if you use Type C or MAC, please bring your own adapter (connect to HDMI).

Q5: Can we please have details of who the keynote speakers are, when they are speaking and the topics?
Please visit the following website for information on the keynote sessions.

Q6: Is there a map of the University with key places of interest highlighted?
Information on key places will be shown in the proceedings for reference. It will also be considered for publication on the website.

Q7: Is there air conditioning?
All rooms have air conditioning.

Q8: Is tea/ coffee/ cold water provided throughout the conference?
Hot coffee, hot water, and mineral water (Bottle) are served during the “coffee break”.

Q9: Is there any lunch/ morning/afternoon tea breaks catering?
During the coffee breaks, some snacks will be served in addition to beverages.
Lunch will be served as a buffet in the university cafeteria.
The registration fee includes two lunches (on the 18th and 19th) and five coffee breaks (from the 18th to the 20th).
(Lunch will not be served on the 20th.)

Q10: Where can we purchase meals if required?
There are several convenience stores near the university. You can buy them there.