
The 18th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness (APCG)


Platinum Sponsors

Springer is a leading global scientific, technical and medical portfolio, providing researchers in academia, scientific institutions and corporate R&D departments with quality content through innovative information, products and services.

Gold Sponsors

We foster young children with high-potential who may be feeling lonely, and under-supported in traditional settings. We offer personalized programs (academic/non-academic) for each users and family by providing mentorship who share similar experiences, along with professional guidance.

Silver Sponsors

Iyobank is a regional bank with its headquarters in Ehime Prefecture.
It has the largest regional bank network not only across 13 prefectures in Japan, but also in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.

UMIX Corporation conducts research on gifted and talented children’s educational programs and offers information to educators. It is our aim that as children with gifts and talent participate in the programs, their creativity, imagination, and spirit of challenge will develop further.

Since Tokyo Shoseki was founded in 1909, we have grown steadily by publishing mainly textbooks. We are proud that textbook publishing has been the company’s primary focus, and we have always striven to create and produce “better textbooks.”


日本ではまだ「才能児教育(Education of Gifted and Talented Children)」に関する学協会が存在しません。そのため、関連研究者が中心となり、実行委員会組織を作ってAPCG2024 開催の準備を開始しておりますが、リソースが限られており、必要経費の一部をご援助に頼らざるを得ないのが現状です。こうした才能児支援教育・研究分野の我が国の黎明に関心を持っていただける皆様よりご支援を賜りたく、ご協賛企業・団体等を募ります。


<メール>apcg2024.japan@gmail.com <FAX>089-927-9441
<郵送先>〒790-0825 松山市文京町3 愛媛大学教育学部 APCG2024事務局 宛

第18回 アジア太平洋ギフテッド教育研究大会「APCG2024」 スポンサー広告 申込書.docx